The Rebirth of Daily Deals

The daily deal business has changed a lot over the past few years. While it’s true that consumers still want to save a few bucks (perhaps more than ever), they’ve largely abandoned the model of [...]

Social Media & The World

Social media is affecting the world in big ways, both good and bad. Just a few years ago, news didn’t travel as quickly as it now does through Twitter, Facebook, news aggregators, etc. [...]

Facebook Pages

Unsurprisingly, Facebook’s top branded fan page is…Facebook’s own Facebook page, now at around 40 million fans. Last month, a few more surprising brands made it into the top 50, including: [...]

Google (+1)

Do you like things? That is, do you often, or even sometimes, “like” the news story, music video, picture or status that your Facebook friend has posted? Chances are, you’ve “liked” something in [...]

Social Media Agencies

Since we’ve recently highlighted a few of our favorite social media case studies, this week we thought we’d bring attention to some top social media agencies and what they are doing. These are [...]

Mike Volpe Talks ROI

This week, we continue our interview series by speaking to Mike Volpe, Chief Marketing Officer at HubSpot, a marketing software company. Volpe leads the company’s lead generation and [...]

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